sexual health

20 09, 2023

New guidelines for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

2023-09-20T17:08:19+10:00September 20th, 2023|Categories: Endocrine Diseases, Lifestyle, Medications and therapies, Reproductive health, Research Updates, Trans health, Women’s health|Tags: , , , , , , |

For women, nonbinary people, and trans men, PCOS symptoms can be distressing, confusing, and painful – and, unfortunately, so can the healthcare meant to treat it. PCOS is a difficult condition to diagnose and [...]

24 08, 2023

Testosterone replacement therapy for older men might be safer than we thought

2023-08-24T19:52:08+10:00August 24th, 2023|Categories: Drugs & Therapies, Endocrine Diseases, Hormone biology, Medications and therapies, Men’s health, Research Updates|Tags: , , , , |

For years, people taking testosterone replacement therapy were advised that it could be bad for their hearts and lead to troubled tickers down the road. However, a new study has found that older men [...]

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